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electoral program for
the General Election
of 23J 2023 www.votaabascal.esElectoral program for
the General Election
23J 2023 www.votaabascal.es

July 23, 2023


1. Equality among Spaniards


2. Unit of Spain


3. Employment and living wages 21

4. Education in freedom 31

5. Access to housing 39

6. Produced in Spain 47

7. Health


8. Social protection of Spaniards


9. Taxation for prosperity


10. Security and Defense


11. Immigration and National Identity


12. Green Spain 107

13. Reindustrialization and energy sovereignty 115

14. Depoliticization of Justice 125

15. European Union 133
16. Iberosphere 141

17. Rural Spain 147

18. Freedom of expression 155

19. Family Perspective


20. Human dignity 169



Pedro Sánchez will be remembered as the president who was tough
and implacable with honest Spaniards and soft with delinquents,
the enemies of Spain and foreign elites. your concessions
to separatism and its commitment to multilevel Spain only
has benefited the regional elites and has allowed the consolidation
of an unfair model that weighs down prosperity and well-being
of the Spanish.

Far from bringing administrations closer to citizens, the
autonomous state has only served to impose new centralisms
that seek artificial homogenization and that
threaten the rich diversity of Spain and its provincial plurality,
erect artificial barriers between Spaniards and impose a
administrative chaos contrary to solidarity between people and

His desire for power and the complicity of the partisan consensus
have allowed the entry of imported agendas that promote
solvent ideologies that violate common sense
and that they only intend to deteriorate the links between Spaniards by dividing us
and facing each other


1. We will promote a unitary state administratively
decentralized system that is capable of promoting equality
and solidarity among all Spaniards regardless
of the place in Spain where they reside. decentralization
policy developed by the autonomous state, far
to bring the administrations closer to the citizens, has created
new centralisms that have used their capacity to legislate
always for the benefit of the regional elites and in
detriment of the Spanish.

2. While we achieve that goal, we propose the return
immediately to the State of the competences in Education, Health,
Security and Justice. We will limit as much as possible
the autonomous legislative capacity to end 17 systems
different regulations and we will implement all
the necessary measures to guarantee equality and the rights
of all the Spaniards.
3. We will work in all areas to end borders
artificial created by the autonomous communities

that in addition to violating the rights of Spaniards,
impede the social and economic development of our nation.
We will undertake the unification of processes and interoperability
of procedures in order to guarantee optimal functioning
of public services with regulation laws
and coordination and promoting the State High Inspectorate.

4. We will remove all legal and tax privileges protected
in supposed "historical rights" that cause
inequality between territories. VOX respects and defends the

Jurisdictions of a civil nature in its private aspect (family, marriage,
successions), which have been denatured and degenerated
in an unfair system of tax privileges and advantages,
of a public financial and tax nature.

5. We will guarantee the use of Spanish throughout the national territory.
We will suppress any form of discrimination
among the Spaniards because of the language and we will end
with the linguistic apartheid that creates first class Spaniards and
second rate. The rich diversity of Spain, its plurality
provincial and regional, are threatened by a state
that tries to create false identities that
they divide us and confront each other trying to homogenize territories
artificially. One of the greatest cultural treasures of
our homeland are the different languages ​​spoken in their
regions and provinces, and that have been used tortiously
by separatism as a segregating element to create
barriers between Spaniards.

6. We will recover the vitality and autonomy of the municipalities.
To do this, they must be freed from the inefficient autonomous structure
and the exercise of unnecessary powers to
to focus all its strength on promoting safe places
coexistence between neighbors, job creation and initiatives
7. We will demand that all Public Administrations,
any territorial level, provide face-to-face care, without
appointment and, at least, in Spanish.
8. We will signpost, at least in Spanish, all roads and
urban roads of the national territory.
9. Phasing out – by reducing powers
and effective – of the autonomous police and incorporation
of its members to the national bodies. Until
becomes effective, the real wage equalization will be guaranteed
between the National Police Corps, Civil Guard and police
10. We will promote a Law that protects all potential victims
of violence in the domestic sphere, we will increase
penalties for rapists and sexual offenders, and we will reinforce
measures against pedophilia and child pornography. The 
Spaniards have seen how their rights were being curtailed
in various spheres while the partisan consensus with
their imported agendas imposed laws that violate
common sense making us more unequal and unprotecting
more and more men and women. we will repeal the
Comprehensive Law on Gender Violence, which enshrines asymmetry
penal law and inequality between men and women and attentive
against the basic pillars of the rule of law.

11. Elimination of all gender legislation and that establishes
employment differences between Spaniards according to their sex,
race or sexual orientation or identity, such as quotas, preference
in recruitment or prevalence in the event of a tie
in an opposition Instead of “gender quotas”, plans
of equality or contracting obligations, we will promote
policies that allow family stability and combat
the maternal gap.
12. As a step prior to the repeal of these destructive laws,
We will apply or demand to apply Article 92 of the
Constitution to consult the Spanish people on a
political decision of special relevance such as putting an end to
this violation of equality, rights, freedoms and
the presumption of innocence of all Spaniards.

13. In the access to the public function, with special attention to the
positions where physical conditions prevail, as well as
in sports, it will be ensured that no one is discriminated against
women before men who perceive themselves as women and pretend
occupy spaces reserved for them.
14. Repeal of the ideological laws that do not protect the
people, but collectivize the individual and subject them to
to the demands of interest groups, either LGTBIQ+ or Law
trans. We will guarantee the impossibility of the treatments
hormones and “sex change” surgery in minors
15. We will abolish the Ministry of Equality, which is unnecessary
in their functions, unfair and ideological in political circles
that undertakes the service of those and onerous in its
structure, just as we will dedicate that expense to the improvement of
essential public services such as health, justice,
security or the educational system.
16. The state of the autonomies has brought with it a consolidation
of the welfare state of politicians and all
both the entities and organisms that have supported it during
The last decades. Thus, at the same time as the services
public services were deteriorating and the Spaniards were becoming more
unequal among themselves, political parties, unions, employers
and other political entities received all sorts of privileges
accompanied by totally disproportionate funding
paid by all Spaniards for the sole purpose of
consolidate their privileged status.

• We will suppress all ideological organizations and
subsidies to parties, unions, employers and
other political entities. There will be no real equality between
Spaniards while a privileged caste lives on the effort
of ordinary Spanish.
17. We will end the current form of distribution of funds
Europeans, turning their backs on the true interests of the Spanish
and conditioned to globalist ideological impositions.

Proposition not of Law for the recentralization of the Ins

institutions in order to reduce the waste caused
due to the inefficiency of the "autonomous State" through the
devolution to the State of powers in matters of
education, health, security and justice, as well as all
those competencies that are being used to
undermine the unity of the Nation and equality among all
the Spanish (March 2023).

Proposition not of Law by which it is urged to establish that
knowledge of the co-official language of the Administration
regional level is not an impediment to access to the
public function (June 2021).

NLP for the maintenance and reinforcement of the presence and
the powers of the Civil Guard throughout Spain with the

in order to reverse the process of transfer of powers

of competencies in road safety that have used
the governments of the Popular Party and the Socialist Party
as a bargaining chip with the separatist parties
during the last decades (March 2023).

Amendments have been presented throughout the legislature
of totality and unconstitutionality appeals against
the liberticidal laws approved by the Government of Pedro
Sánchez on gender ideology, Abortion Law
or like the trans laws or the Law of the Only yes is yes.


Spain is a reality that transcends the Spaniards in a
certain time and place; It is an inheritance received from our
ancestors that we must take care of and improve to bequeath it to
the next generations. Our homeland is the guarantee of the
rights and equality, especially of the most vulnerable.

Since the beginning of his term, Pedro Sánchez has delivered
the political leadership of his government to the protagonists of the
separatist coup d'état and the heirs of ETA; definitely,
to the enemies of Spain. This betrayal, which began
lying to his own voters, whom he assured that
would not agree with Bildu, has constantly manifested itself in
actions such as the end of the dispersal of terrorist prisoners,
the pardon of the coup plotters in Catalonia or the transfer of new
powers to separatist governments in exchange for remaining
in Moncloa. Similarly, Sánchez has not had
scruples to submit the national interest to the will of
foreign organizations and forces, oblivious to the needs
of the Spanish.

It is urgent to recover for the common project of Spain
to those thousands of compatriots who have separated sentimentally
of the Nation, fueled by the indoctrination
ideology of separatism and globalism.


18. We will reintroduce the crimes of illegal referendum, sedition,
treason and embezzlement of public funds, increasing
penalties according to the principle of proportionality
as they are serious crimes against Spain, its unity and sovereignty and the
heritage of all Spaniards.
19. We will ensure and make visible the presence of the Administration
civil and military of the State at the service of the Spanish
in all the territories of the nation, especially in those
where separatist governments have tried to erase
to Spain, given the inaction of previous national governments.

20. We will immediately suspend the autonomy of those
communities whose governments use resources and instruments
of regional self-government to attack the
unity of Spain
21. End of public subsidies and banning of parties,
associations or NGOs that pursue the destruction of
the territorial unity of the nation and its sovereignty. As
previous step, in line with the political proposal of Spain Decide,
the Spanish people will be consulted through the application
of article 92 of the Spanish Constitution, regarding consultations
on political decisions of special importance,
his will on the outlawing of separatist parties.
22. We will provide the maximum legal protection to the symbols
of the nation, especially the Flag, the Anthem and the Choir
na. Penalties for offenses and outrages against Spain and its symbols
or emblems must be aggravated so that no affront to
they go unpunished.

23. We will disseminate and protect the national identity and the
Spain's contribution to civilization and universal history,
with special attention to the deeds and feats of our
national heroes inside and outside our borders.
24. We will promote the Spanish language abroad through
of the Cervantes Institute, defense of character, culture and
Spanish symbols around the world; specially in
Latin America.
25. We will promote and support our local festivals and
popular traditions as signs of identity and ties of
community union between generations that keep alive
our millennial history.
26. We will repeal all the laws that the Sánchez government has
approved or maintained and encourage confrontation and division
among Spaniards, such as the Democratic Memory Law
or the LGTBI Law.
27. We will dismantle networks of piracy, drug trafficking, smuggling
and money laundering that extend from
Gibraltar and we will apply all necessary international pressure
to recover that occupied territory.
28. We will guarantee the protection of Ceuta and Melilla, an indivisible part
of Spain, increasingly harassed by Morocco with
the complicity of the Sánchez government. we will increase the
number of members and we will provide the FCSE with all the
necessary elements to guarantee their safety and the adequate
exercise of their functions, especially to stop
waves of mass immigration encouraged by the government

29. We will defend our sovereignty against foreign interference
and we will recover an international position that prioritizes
the defense of the real interests of the Spanish and
of national unity. One of the most sinister legacies of
Sánchez is the constant submission of the national interest to the
plans of organizations and foreign powers, alien to the
reality and needs of our compatriots.

Organic Law Proposal to demand a criminal response
blunt against attacks against unity

requesting the modification of the Penal Code

adding the penalty of loss of Spanish nationality;
incorporating crimes against the unity of the Nation
and increasing the penalties for the crimes of insults to
Spain (December 2022).

Proposal for an Organic Law to outlaw political parties
separatist and terrorist politicians (January 2020).

PNL in Plenary for the classification of the crime of convocation
of illegal referendum (December 2022).

NLP in Interior Commission for the application in Catalonia
of article 155 of the Constitution for the abandonment of the
Generality (October 2022).

Veto in the Senate to the PL of sedition and embezzlement in
frontal opposition to the reform of the Penal Code whose only
The objective is to facilitate the perpetration in the future of new
Coups d'état, favoring the separatist partners of the
PSOE and facilitate the corruption of the socialists and their allies
(December 2022).



The employment of Spaniards is the basis of their well-being and freedom.
Families of workers and self-employed have been suffering for years
policies of fiscal asphyxia, the relocation of companies and the
general decrease in wages.

The Sánchez government has aggravated with its socialist policies
and globalists the access and quality of jobs in Spain:
destruction of our industry, attack on the countryside, competition
unfair foreign, uncontrolled immigration, quotas
of gender and an ultimatum between a decent salary or being able to dedicate
time to a family Faced with this, the ultra unions
subsidized, instead of defending the workers, they
have betrayed to preserve their privileges, becoming
lackeys of the government and laundering the precariousness that today
the Spanish suffer.

At VOX we are clear: all jobs are essential
because behind each worker there is a Spaniard with his joys,
anxieties and worries. Therefore, we will protect the
Spanish workers to provide them with real opportunities
and sufficient material conditions: economic stability,
decent wages, hours that facilitate reconciliation, jobs
non-impersonal and the possibility of forming a home on your own


30. While the government said to raise the SMI to help the
Spaniards, raised taxes even more and skyrocketed
prices, curtailing the purchasing power of Spaniards
and lowering his real salary. We will promote the rise of
all wages, especially the lowest. So that
this does not lead to job destruction, we will reduce
drastically the burdens on business and regulation
abusive that harm the generation of employment. In
Spain there are miserable wages and unacceptable unemployment
because everyone's work supports the welfare state
of politicians and their paid activists.
31. We will promote stable, lasting and quality employment
by reducing contributions to companies
that hire Spanish workers indefinitely,
discounting 100% new jobs created
during the first year for any age, and 50% in the
second year. We will effectively guarantee the right to
labor prohibiting coercive actions in strikes
• We will increase the incentives for stable hiring
of young people, older than 45 years, pregnant women
and fathers and mothers of children with disabilities.
32. We will reject globalist impositions that remain silent before
those truly responsible for pollution in the world
while causing the closure of our industries and the
destruction of thousands of jobs in Spain. we will take care of
Environment from common sense, responsibility
and the protection of our economy, compatible with the
economic development and well-being of the Spanish people.

33. We will guarantee legal, orderly and adapted immigration
to the needs and possibilities of our market
employment to ensure the employment of Spaniards and immigrants
who, arriving legally, contribute their effort and
They respect our way of life.
34. We will punish harshly, including license withdrawals,
concessions and authorizations, to those who employ
immigrants without a residence permit in conditions of
exploitation, harming the immigrants themselves and the
equilibrium of the national market and thus increasing poverty,
unemployment and precariousness among Spaniards, especially
The most disadvantaged.
35. We will end the territorial gap that harms the
Spanish workers and hinders their mobility, repealing
any linguistic and discriminatory imposition of the communities
36. We will strongly support the self-employed
by waiving the fee to those whose
net income does not reach the Minimum Interprofessional Wage
and the total bonus to the self-employed who are
low. In turn, we will take the necessary measures to
put an end to the figure of the false self-employed person that affects everyone
the work fields.
37. We will combat the maternal gap guaranteeing equality
of opportunities, subsidizing the cost for the company
salary during pregnancy and during any related leave
with maternity, implementing deductions
for hiring mothers, offering refresher courses
professional to facilitate their labor reintegration and
rejecting any quota policy that harms
those women who have achieved their achievements through merit
and capacity.

38. Our young people are victims of a vicious circle where
they are only offered unemployment or precariousness. an untenable situation
that the government's labor reform has worsened
even more. We will repeal the labor reform of Yolanda Díaz
that has made up the temporality figures without adopting
real measures against precariousness, and that benefits the
majority unions that have betrayed the workers.
At the same time, we will promote a labor reform that listens
to the true social agents.

39. We will move towards an adapted legal and labor framework
to the increasingly common circumstances of teleworking,
that can be used to improve reconciliation as long as
when adequate working conditions are ensured.
This new modality of employment can also serve
so that many families have the freedom to leave
of the large urban centers and return to their towns and
40. We will closely connect the education system
college and university and companies, and we will combine
the economic support of unemployment benefits with
effective training and professional updating measures.

41. We will improve the quality of professional training and am
we will expand the Dual Vocational Training for the best labor insertion adapting
to the needs of industries, businesses and companies.
In addition, we will promote local entrepreneurship and
We will promote talent retention policies, both young
as a second chance for older people
age who have lost their jobs due to generalized processes
deindustrialization and cost reduction.

41.1 We will promote the creation of Training Centers
Special to respond to the needs of the
rural world, adapted to the primary sector of all
the regions of Spain.
41.2 We will relaunch the contracts with the appropriate guarantees
learning and internships; putting in
effective and immediate implementation of the reform of
vocational training institutes and schools
41.3 We will provide scholarship workers with protection
and respect for their work comparable to any
another worker, including a supervisor
adequate compensation of expenses or salary
and respect their schedule and breaks.
42. Our elders have been blackmailed with their pensions,
and it continues to be done, for partisan purposes while they sentence
the future of our children. The structural solution to
long-term should be the increase in the birth rate compared to the
demographic winter ravaging our nation.
• We will ensure the sustainability of the pension system
dismantling the autonomous system, po
Ending administrative duplication, reducing
the number of ministries, councils, deputies and
parliaments and ending political waste.

43. The unions that should defend the workers
have betrayed, becoming lackeys of political power
shift. We will end all public subsidies
for unions and employers, preventing it from being able to collect
of the negotiation of the ERE and ERTE.
• We will demand the supervision, control and reduction of the
union releases; and we will establish the incorporation
compulsory to their usual positions in situations
of dire need. We'll set the controls
necessary to suppress union delegates
ghost in companies already extinguished.
44. We will promote and protect crafts and trades
traditional and deeply rooted, vigorous heritage of our
grandparents, through fiscal and credit measures, as well as
We recognize the secular tradition of cooperativism and the
social economy in our nation, promoting the participation
of workers in companies.

Proposition not of Law for the protection of workers
self-employed, reviewing their fiscal framework, in particular
of personal income tax withholdings, as well as promoting the
administrative simplification (February 2023).

Proposed Organic Law for the protection of
constitutional rights of workers and reinforcing
the penalties contemplated in the Penal Code for
criminal acts committed against workers.
It also included the elimination of equality plans
in companies, the punishment of strike pickets,
the reform of company collective agreements or
protection of the use of Spanish as a vehicular language
throughout the national territory in the workplace (April

Proposition not of Law for the extension of permits
maternity leave and coverage changes
of Social Security and to promote the possibility of

payment of all paid hours in a single payment,
In order to simplify administrative management for these
effects (December 2022).

Proposition not of Law for total compensation, for
part of the self-employed, of the negative general tax base
with the taxable base of the positive tax savings
of Personal Income, on the occasion of
the economic crisis derived from COVID-19 (May 2021).

In the Government of Castilla y León, VOX fulfilled its commitment
election by reducing by 20.5 million euros the
public money that the Board gave each year to CCOO, UGT and
CEOE. This measure has meant a cut of more than 50%
of the allocation they received from the Ministry of Industry,
Trade and Employment (June 2022).


The Government of Pedro Sánchez has given the finishing touch to degradation
that has suffered education in Spain in recent decades
because of the autonomous state, the ideological indoctrination
in colleges and universities, and the successive educational laws, which
they have ceased to push for excellence and quality. the so called law
Celaá has delved into the inequality between territories, breaking up
the contents that students receive according to their place of residence
residence, and has meant a direct attack on the constitutional freedom
of parents to educate their children according to their convictions

moral considerations, to the point of openly stating that "the children

They don't belong to the parents."

In addition, Sánchez has supported that the separatist governments
use education to indoctrinate and exclude Spanish from the classroom,
contravening the will of the families and the decisions of
the courts. It is urgent to return to the Spanish an education
free, demanding and of quality, that is a true social elevator
for young people and an element of national cohesion.


45. No Spaniard without access to school and professional education
free, demanding and quality. It is the duty of the State
guarantee all Spaniards access to a system
of excellent public education, guarantee of equality
opportunities and progress for all young people.
46. ​​We will approve a lasting National Education Law
that establishes common contents and whose maximum
is to make education an engine of development
personnel of our youth and element of cohesion
national, far from sectarianism and ideological imposition
radical that have allowed and promoted the parties of the
progressive consensus
47. We will begin the process of return to the State of the
competencies in Education. It is urgent to end seventeen
different educational models, in some cases
mutually exclusive, which have dynamited the equality of
opportunities throughout the national territory and have allowed
separatist indoctrination in some regions.
As a preliminary step, in accordance with the political proposal of
Spain Decides, the Spanish people will be consulted through
the application of article 92 of the Spanish Constitution,
regarding consultations on political decisions of special
transcendence, his will on the return of competitions
education to the state.
48. Implementation of a single university entrance test
Throughout the national territory. We will also implement
well as assessment exams at the national level in different
educational stages that ensure the assimilation of
basic contents in the whole of Spain.

49. We will clearly and immediately ensure the right to be
educated in Spanish throughout the national territory.
50. We will persecute educational authorities that prevent
the right of students to be educated in Spanish or
that promote measures of indoctrination of children,
implementing a state educational inspection system
effective and with sufficient powers, including a harsh regime
51. The children do not belong to the State or to supranational organizations.
They are from their parents. Therefore, we will recover the legitimate
authority of parents and their role in the
education of their children, starting with guaranteeing knowledge
prior consent and parental acceptance of any
affective-sexual or ideological content that may receive
their children in the classroom. We will repeal the Herod Law and all
laws that violate the rights of parents to educate
their children free. We'll start by reversing one of
its most serious consequences: the presence in the classroom of
activists and associations that seek to ideologically indoctrinate
children bypassing authority
from his parents.

52. We will shield the free choice of educational center in all
two levels through a school check so that the
Families freely choose the educational model they want,
without their economic or social situation being an impediment
for it.
53. We will guarantee by law the protection of minors in
school age, punishing with extreme harshness the activities
of indoctrination and corruption that threaten their
54. We will promote the recovery of the prestige and authority of the
teachers, reflected both in their working conditions and in their
respect in the classroom. For this, the access system to the
public teaching function will have a national character and will ensure
equality and excellence of teaching staff through processes
Selection based on merit and ability.

55. No Spaniard should be left without being able to study for lack
of economic resources. The scholarship system will be improved in
the university and pre-university stages so that education
be a true social elevator in which the situation
economy is not an obstacle to effort, merit and
the capacity.
56. We will prevent students from being able to pass the course and get
degrees with failed subjects.
57. We will expand the support system for families for education
of their children with tax measures based on the number
of children for the dining room and school transportation, materials,
uniform or extracurricular activities. We will also promote
measures to reconcile family and work.
58. We will defend single-sex education centers, guaranteeing
its accessibility and promoting the figure of the
special educators in all schools and institutes, as well
such as Vocational Training adapted to the needs
of the students
59. The University must be rescued from all impositions
totalitarian ideologies and their culture of cancellation, recovering
its vocation as a space of freedom and search for
truth and beauty We will guarantee academic freedom
of teachers in the classrooms against the impositions of the
political correctness.
60. We will dignify trades and arts by promoting the
Dual vocational training. Vocational training should
be an attractive option for our young people to acquire
the tools that allow them to access a job or
Start your own business initiative.
61. Recovery and promotion of the Humanities as an element
essential and transversal teaching to all
levels to promote the development of our young people.
62. We will update the educational curricula, guaranteeing the
accompaniment and the requirement in the acquisition of contents
on fundamental subjects, based on evidence
scientific. Education will be an essential instrument
for the integral formation of the students and the strengthening
of national ties. The curricula will be common to all
regions and will take into account the cultural, linguistic,
historical or geographical of each region.

63. We will include in the curricula content on the history of Spain,
national identity and the contribution of Spain to civilization
and universal history, with special attention to the deeds
and exploits of our national heroes, as well as the symbols
of the Nation, especially the Flag, the Anthem and the Crown.
Knowledge of the manifestations will also be promoted.
cultural characteristics of our Nation and of Hispanicity.

NLP regarding the adoption of measures for the defense of the
right to education in Spanish in which the
application of article 155 of the Constitution to intervene
the Generalitat of Catalonia in order to stop the persecution
of Spanish in the classrooms of educational centers

(May 2022).

NLP relative to the impulse of the Humanities in order to

transmit the cultural tradition of Spain and the rest of the West,
strengthen the principles of effort, study, discipline
and excellence, and arouse love for the pursuit of good,
truth and beauty (may 2022).

NLP related to the promotion and protection of Centers of
Special Education in which it is requested to guarantee the right
of parents of children with disabilities to choose schooling
of their children in ordinary education centers or
special (May 2021).

NLP related to guaranteeing the right that assists parents
so that their children receive religious formation and
morality that is in accordance with their own convictions,

urging the Government to ensure the effective observance and
compliance with the principle of ideological neutrality in the
teaching (March 2022).


The home is the main space for intimacy and personal development
of families, therefore guaranteeing affordable access,
decent conditions and the safety of all Spaniards in their
Housing must be a fundamental priority of any government.
However, the dire housing policies of the last
decades have truncated the aspiration of the majority of Spaniards
to make your home a place of tranquility, not a source of
concerns. The insufficient supply of social housing, the shortage
artificial buildable land, an excessive bureaucracy in the

licensing, prohibitive prices, speculation and
corruption, or impunity for illegal occupation are problems
with which the Spaniards live on a daily basis. Far from
remedy this situation, Pedro Sánchez has approved a disastrous
Housing law that ignores the real problems in this area and
its causes.

One of the great urgencies of the Spanish is to have a government
to bravely face the housing problem. The possibility
access to housing cannot become a
luxury that only a few can afford. It is essential
ensure access to affordable housing, especially for those
Spaniards who need it most, protect the right to property
and ensure that the homes have space and conditions
of sanitation and decent supplies.


64. Zero tolerance for illegal occupation. we will reform
both the Penal Code and the Prosecution Laws
Criminal and Civil to really and effectively protect the
owners who suffer the action of the occupation mafias
or the illegal entry of a squatter into your home. All
Spaniard must have the ability to defend himself
and theirs in the face of an attack in their own home. we will create
a record of historical data of areas affected by the
occupancy and we will promote detailed monitoring
of all cases that occur, as well as assistance
integral to the victims of occupation. We will exempt the owners
of illegally squatted properties of the payment of the
IBI during the period of illegal occupation of the property.
65. We will release all the soil that is not or should be specially
protected for reasons of environmental interest, landscape,
productive or for National Defense. we will promote
a new Land Law that provides for the release of
land sequestered by municipalities and autonomous communities
for the benefit of parties and corrupt politicians,
and that ensures a correct, agile and harmonious urban development
in all Spain.
66. We will modify the Value Added Tax Law
in order to eliminate VAT on the acquisition of the first
Habitual housing.

67. We will recover the deduction for habitual residence in the
statement of income. In turn, we will encourage the acquisition
position of the first residence, as well as the commissioning
provision by the owners of their rental homes.

68. We will review and reduce taxes and charges in the process
edifying. The entire construction process from the acquisition
from a plot to the sale or rental of the home
It has become a way of obtaining income
fiscal for the State, regions and municipalities, which produces
an artificial price increase.

69. We will promote the construction of public social housing
owned or leased with option to
purchase to ensure youth and families can
acquire a home, especially those with fewer resources.
70. We will promote collaboration between the Public Administration
and private entities in order to increase the park
of subsidized housing. we will mobilize the
public land belonging to the General Administration of
State and its dependent agencies for the promotion
housing for social rent. We will enable a platform
audited of requests so that, maintaining the
SAREB the ownership of the assets, are the Town Halls
those who apply to the SAREB, depending on the demand and the
housing needs, temporary transfer of assets
and developable land for social rental.
71. We will modify the Law Regulating the Bases of the Regime
Local and we will elaborate a new resolution by which the
the technical instructions to the municipalities on the management
of the Municipal Register in order to prevent a squatter from
Register in the illegally occupied house.
72. We will put an end to the temporary expropriation of real estate and
with rent control in the lease posts
in progress in recent years in different regions.
73. We will promote the standardization of tourism regulations
in terms of housing for tourism purposes for all

Spain. This normative homogenization will guarantee the
competition on equal terms with other accommodations
tourist, such as hotels or campsites; will watch over the
preservation of the rights of resident neighbors and the
neighborhood life; and it will set a limit to the price increase that the
massive proliferation of tourist apartments causes in the price of
the House.

74. The saturation and overcrowding of the historic quarters of apartments
tourism has dynamited the harmony between residents and tourists.
We will preserve the rights of resident neighbors and
we will put an end to a disrespectful tourism model that
is contributing to the degradation of our neighborhoods
the expulsion of residents from their homes. Our neighborhoods
they cannot become theme parks.
75. We will promote the increase in technical and personal resources
of the municipalities in charge of drafting
of the relevant technical reports for the granting of
licenses, as well as bureaucratic streamlining. we will promote
between the regions and the Local Entities the implementation of
systems by which the processing process is digitized
of licenses.
76. We will encourage owners to put their homes
empty spaces for rent through the increase in benefits
taxes on rental income for landlords.
77. We will repeal the Law for the right to housing approved
by the Sánchez government, which will not contribute to achieving
more affordable housing, it will crash the rental market,
alters the essential content of the enshrined property right
in article 33 of the Constitution and protects the occupation
78. We will promote family-friendly urban planning,
rooted and harmonious with the environment, promoting rehabilitation
of regional styles and the protection of
traditional facades, including them in the catalogs of
goods of cultural interest.
• We therefore reject globalist projects such as the
called the New European Bauhaus promoted by the
bureaucrats from Brussels, who, with the alibi of fanaticism
climate and energy efficiency of buildings

aims to standardize the reality of our cities.


Proposition not of Law related to combating the phenomenon
of occupation and “disquiet” through
of measures such as the reduction of time limits in the procedure
of eviction, the creation of a register of
historical data of areas affected by the occupation and
the increase in penalties for the crime of usurpation
(November 2021).

Proposal for a veto in the Senate of the Bill for
the right to housing due to its disastrous consequences
for the housing market, the result of measures such as
intervene in the rental market, alter the content
essential property right enshrined in article
33 of the Constitution and protect the illegal occupation
(May 2023).

Law Proposal urging the modification of the Law
of the Value Added Tax in order to apply
a super-reduced rate of 4% on the acquisition of that
property intended to be the first habitual residence
(October 2022).

Proposition not of Law related to the improvement of the market
Spanish real estate through measures such as the fight
against occupation, streamlining licensing procedures
and works, land release, rental incentives,
reject rent price control and increase
of public housing (April 2021).

Proposal for a Law to modify the Basic Law
of the Local Regime in order to prevent both squats
as illegal immigrants can register in the padrón
municipality as residents of the usurped property and
prevent them from accessing the rights that come with it
registration (October 2022).



Globalist elites are promoting both in Brussels
As in Spain and its regions, rules and a bureaucracy
relentless environmentalists who suffocate our farmers, ranchers,
fishermen and industries. The consequence is the disappearance
of certain productive sectors that had been supporting
to thousands of Spanish families for centuries, even
in sectors in which Spain stood out internationally.

The Sánchez government has been a direct enemy, as
no other government before, of the Spanish product. Ministers of the
government have made statements in foreign media against
Spanish meat, campaigns have been accepted with resignation
international against national products such as strawberries,
and even millions of euros have been transferred to the development of
sectors that compete unfairly against our product,
like Moroccan irrigation, which is not subject to regulations and
prohibitions that suffocate our farmers, allowing
that flood the Spanish market with derisory prices.

VOX will defend and take care of our producers, industry
and their products. We will do it as we are already fulfilling it
in Castilla y León, defending the livestock sector both in
Brussels as facing a national government and unions
who have tried to directly attack our camp.


79. Immediate reinforcement of border controls for all
products from third countries that reach our market.
Labeling should be closely monitored to
prevent fraud and thus protect both our companies and
workers as well as our consumers, habitual victims
misinformation and the use of pesticides or products
phytosanitary products that have been banned in Europe for years.

80. We will protect our producers from regulations
that threatens the survival of employment as a consequence
of the losses it is causing. As VOX already does in
Castilla y León, we will demand in Brussels the revision of the legislation
to ensure a balance between the viability of
productive sectors and environmental guarantees
and health, far from arbitrary ideological impositions
in the name of climate religion.
81. We will create the National Anti-Fraud Office
in the labeling that will be in charge of controlling that the labeling
about the origin of foreign products
conforms to reality; check that they meet the requirements
of production demanded in the European Union as
labor as well as the use of phytosanitary products and with the
quotas established in the different treaties and agreements.
82. Strict application of the principle of community preference
and review of signed free trade agreements
with third countries. It is essential to ensure that
foreign products are subject to the same
regulations and standards that companies must comply with
and Spanish products, strictly complying with the
import quotas.

83. We will review trade relations with those countries
who systematically practice unfair competition
regarding our products.
84. We will demand the imposition of tariffs on products
agricultural products from Morocco so that they do not
copy the national and European market to the detriment of
Spanish products.
85. Reinforcement of diplomatic action to promote and
protect our products abroad, as well as guarantee
always the effective exercise of their rights. He
Government of Spain cannot tolerate the humiliations and
criminalization of national sectors such as wine, meat
or the strawberry, as Sánchez has allowed.
86. We will defend local trade and the national product
against large multinationals and franchises that
evade their tax obligations, trade with the data
digital harvested in Spain, and prevent our little ones
traders to access the market under conditions
of equality.
87. We will establish an incentive and reduction program
of the bureaucratic framework to facilitate the return to
Spain of all those companies that relocated their
production, help our farmers and ranchers and
promote young entrepreneurship in the primary sector.
88. We will promote business continuity through incentives
and tax deductions favoring the relief
generational in all family businesses.
89. We will leave without access to any type of aid and subsidy
public to those associations and organizations
radical environmentalists who attack our primary sector,
their products and the traditional way of life.
90. Promotion of tourism in Spain. We will take fiscal measures
and internal and external promotion of this industry to
create employment and wealth, and to structure that abandoned Spain
by successive governments. We will promote tourism
rural, mountain or interior, and we will support the conservation
and dissemination of our natural and artistic heritage.
91. We will prepare a National Tourism Plan that restores
Spain's position as the leading tourist power
92. Revitalization of the automobile and parts industry
and components, in order to ensure the dominant position
of Spain in the sector, guaranteeing the natural coexistence
of all vehicles, combustion, electric and
hybrids, promoting in Europe the immediate suspension
of the ban on the combustion engine by 2035, ensuring
the maintenance and creation of employment.
93. We will prepare and execute an Industrial Strategy
for Spain; promoting secure supply chains
especially in strategic sectors and with bilateral agreements
with allied and trusted nations, for mutual benefit
of their economies.
94. We will correct the trade imbalances in the chain
Food that is stressed by the pressure that
exerted by the upper links of the chain on the lower
weak, generally the producer, to maintain their margins.
It is necessary to limit the rise in consumer prices
end, starting with eliminating taxes and green regulations
that further narrow the margins of our producers.
95. We will guarantee that the distribution of our products
through the different points of Spain and abroad
do it efficiently and safely for our workers.
We will undertake investments to improve the
logistics and transport and in the communications of the
industrial activity.
96. We will give tax incentives to companies that buy
national agricultural products. Similarly, we will support
traditional and artisan production methods,
cultivation, breeding and fishing to improve their competitiveness
in the market, generate employment and settle the population
of the territory.

97. We will keep a minimum permanent stock of goods
strategic, that is, those in which the risk of rupture
is unacceptable (particularly medications, equipment
medical products, food products, components
electronics, batteries), which allows Spain to have
quickly from them in particular situations
98. The cooperative production model is a model of
success that is constantly growing and developing. It
we will defend through fiscal aid, reduction of the
bureaucracy and a legislative framework adapted to their reality.

99. Whenever this government has had to make decisions
both inside and outside has finished
allied with the enemies of Spain producing damage
irreparable to the middle classes, the countryside and the industries.
We are not going to allow interference from countries and green lobbies
foreigners who attack the Spanish product and the
Spaniards who work hard to achieve it.

100. We will guarantee legal certainty and homogenization
regulatory chaos between regions so that Spain
and their products are more competitive and display their
export potential to Europe and the whole world.

NLP related to the defense of Spanish agricultural production,
protecting agri-food and fruit and vegetable production
against unfair competition and the use
of products prohibited in Europe by third parties
countries (November 2020).

NLP against counterfeiting and marking fraud

"EC". For the protection of the consumer and user, it must be
promote border control for prevention and punishment
of imports of counterfeits and frauds in the
CE marking (April 2023).

NLP related to promoting the tourist image of Spain by increasing
measures to promote tourism in Spain
both outside and within the nation (June 2021).

NLP related to stopping the implementation in Spain of the system
front-end nutritional labeling Nutri-Score and defend
to the Spanish agri-food sector (March 2021).

NLP related to the relocation of the manufacturing industry
in Spanish territory, creating a regulatory framework
incentive in the tax, administrative, and environmental fields
and labor that generates the return to Spain of plants
national production companies (February 2021).


The existence of seventeen health systems has caused lack of protection
of our compatriots, a loss of quality and
accessibility, worse working conditions for staff

and has made health care difficult at critical moments such as

the COVID pandemic.

The government of Pedro Sánchez has accentuated these problems
structures of Health with a management of the health crisis
of COVID-19 more focused on one's own image and ideological agenda
of the government than in protecting the Spanish.

The crisis derived from the coronavirus has shown, in the
tragic as possible, the urgent need that also in
Health, Spain needs to recover its sovereignty in technology and
in medicines.

Life and physical health are precious goods and must be cared for
rationally taking into account the needs of our
compatriots, professional deontology and the common good.
We will prioritize investment and reorganization of health services
and public health with the mission of curing and caring, placing the
people in the center and attending to their physical, psychological,
spiritual, family and social.


101. We will implement a true National System of
Health through the recovery of skills in
health matters transferred to the regions, in order to
establish a single, equal and quality system throughout Spain
and for all Spaniards.
102. While the recovery of health competencies is achieved,
we will draw up a National Health Plan that
progressively remedy the chaos of healthcare management.
This plan will include a reinforcement of the Ministry of Health,
a single health card; unification of clinical history
and digital pharmaceutical, accessible at least in Spanish
to health workers across the country; and a portfolio of services

103. We will invest more in Health, spending better. we will change
management, eliminating unnecessary spending, and
meeting budgets. We will set up a system
centralized and transparent purchasing, for all of Spain
to put an end to regional inefficiencies.

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