Anti-homowet Hongarije is een EU-hoax?

Anti-homowet Hongarije is een EU-hoax

Publié  461 Vues actualisé 2 années depuis


In Nederland werd door premier Rutte de aandacht gevestigd op een ‘anti-homowet’ in Hongarije. De premier was furieus, maar wist niet waarover hij sprak. Frans Groenendijk zocht het tot de bodem uit.

Een verontrustend brede coalitie in Nederland en ‘in Brussel’ is aangeslagen op een Hongaars wetsvoorstel getiteld ‘Tougher action against pedophile offenders and to amend certain laws to protect children‘. Door die coalitie wordt die wet zelfs aangeduid als anti-homo-wet.

Het opvoeren van de boosheid over wet 16365 heeft potentie om de EU op te blazen: de demissionaire premier en de demissionaire minister van buitenlandse zaken van Nederland zinspelen op het vertrek van Hongarije uit de EU, terwijl Hongarije steun krijgt van andere EU-lidstaten.

Het verschil tussen hoe de regering van Hongarije spreekt over het wetsvoorstel en hoe Rutte cs dat doen, zou in minder hysterische tijden en met betere kranten en TV-programma’s, ertoe leiden dat velen in zouden zoomen op de tekst van die wet zelf.
Dat is helaas niet of nauwelijks het geval. VOL heeft zich dan maar aan de taak gezet om die wet te vertalen en te helpen bij het interpreteren ervan.

Nu is Hongaars (naast Fins) de taal die het sterkst afwijkt van andere Europese talen, dus de eerste stap moet sowieso zijn: zorgen voor een betrouwbare vertaling van de wetstekst. [1]

Na een schets van de context en de grote lijn van de tekst volgt hieronder (vanwege het gestelde in de noot) de integrale vertaling naar het Engels van respectievelijk de toelichting (Justification, zeg maar de Memorie van Toelichting) en de wetstekst.

De grote lijn en de context
De wetstekst is pas kort geleden ingediend: 10 juni 2021.
Inclusief die korte toelichting op het waarom van deze wetswijzigingen telt de hier vertaalde tekst een kleine 6000 woorden.

Wet 16365 is geen nieuwe wet. In het hieronder in het Engels weergegeven stuk zijn wijzigingsvoorstellen samengevat die betrekking hebben op een zevental bestaande wetten; die wetten worden –met uitzondering van de Strafwet– aangeduid met een getal in Romeinse cijfers en een jaartal.

De vertaling betreft de samenvatting van 16365 door een ‘wetgevende commissie’ van het Hongaarse parlement, geschreven ten behoeve van het gehele parlement. Dat het een betrouwbare weergave is van het wetsvoorstel baseer ik mede op wat die commissie schrijft over de stemmingen in het parlement: de wijzigingen onder punt 6 en 7 vergen een tweederde meerderheid!

Die zeven wetten zijn:
1. Wet XXXI uit 1997 over de bescherming van kinderen en het regelen van voogdijschap,
2. Wet XLVIII uit 2008 over adverteren,
3. Wet XLVII uit 2007 over de registratie van criminelen,
4. Wet CLXXXV uit over de media en massacommunicatie,
5. Wet CXC uit 2011 over het algemene onderwijs,
6. Wet I uit 2012, de Arbeidswet,
7. Hoofdstuk 11 uit de Strafwet (CHECK), de penal code meer in het bijzonder.

Die set van wetswijzigingen hebben allemaal dezelfde twee doelen, zoals direct bij het eerste van de in totaal 23 wijzigingen wordt geformuleerd. Dat amendement heeft betrekking op hierboven als eerste genoemde ‘Protection of Children and the Administration of Guardianship’.

Door wat er in dat eerste amendement staat, is direct duidelijk: indien het hier om een anti-homo-wet zou gaan, dan is het anti-homo gedeelte er in gesmokkeld onder een dekmantel van het beschermen van kinderen.
Met andere woorden: dat is dus waar Rutte en de zijnen de Hongaarse politiek van beschuldigt. Rechten van kinderen zouden misbruikt worden om zo homoseksualiteit aan te vallen.
Ik geef de vertaling van de centrale tekstregels in amendement nummer 1 zodoende ook eerst nog in het Nederlands. In dat amendement staan ook maar twee verschillende regels:

1) In het stelsel voor kinderbescherming beschermt de staat het recht van kinderen op het geslacht waarmee ze geboren zijn. (Deze regel staat er dan wel twee keer in.)
2) Voor de toepassing van deze wet en teneinde de rechten van kinderen te waarborgen, is het verboden pornografische inhoud te produceren of beschikbaar te maken voor kinderen onder de 18 jaar die seksualiteit uitbeeldt om het uitbeelden van seksualiteit of waarbij afwijking van het aangeboren geslacht, geslachtsverandering of homoseksualiteit wordt getoond of aangeprezen.

U ziet het: de eerste regel heeft uitsluitend betrekking op transgenderij, terwijl in de tweede regel naast geslachtsverandering inderdaad ook homoseksualiteit aan de orde komt.

In elke regel van de tekst is volstrekt duidelijk dat het uitsluitend gaat om jongeren tot 18 jaar.

Dat verklaart waarom ook mensen die zelf homoseksueel zijn en al lang vóór de ophef over Hongarije daar al mee uit de kast zijn gekomen, zich achter de Hongaren hebben gesteld. Ja, ook onder homo’s zijn er verantwoordelijke en dappere mensen die er weet van hebben dat op de (welkome) golf van toegenomen tolerantie voor homo’s, pedofielen steeds proberen mee te liften (Vandaar de afbeelding boven dit stuk. Zie ook dit.

Eigenlijk zoals verantwoordelijke volwassenen die wel eens aan travestieshows meedoen maar voor wie dat niet hun volledige identiteit en/of bron van inkomsten vormt, zich hebben uitgesproken tegen het opdringen van die shows aan kleine kinderen. Zoals vrouwen protesteren tegen het vernietigen van vrouwensport en het ondermijnen van hun veiligheid in het kader van de transgenderij.

Alle andere amendementen dan dat eerste, hebben betrekking op het daadwerkelijk in de praktijk brengen van wat hier eigenlijk al is aangeduid als de intentie van de wet en wat in die ‘Memorie van Toelichting’ nog wat verder wordt toegelicht.

In de Hongaarse praktijk hecht men wat minder aan het alleen maar uitspreken van intenties en het naar voren brengen van een mate van geschoktheid over iets in de werkelijkheid.

Duidelijke concrete stappen in de wetswijzigingen betreffen A) (met name in amendement 6) aanscherping van bepalingen die gaan over een categorisatie van films en dergelijke naar geschiktheid voor een bepaalde leeftijd (het gaat ook over geweld), filmkeuring heette dat vroeger bij ons en B) (met name in amendement 8) de organisatie van iets dat we in Nederland kennen als de verplichte ‘Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag‘. Die geldt met name voor benoemingen in het onderwijs. In het Hongaarse wetsvoorstel wordt niet alleen gesproken over het wat dat betreft in de gaten houden van leraren, maar ook voor mensen die van buiten worden uitgenodigd om ‘voorlichting te geven’.

Precies de manier waarop zaken in landen als Nederland het ernstigst fout lopen: scholen en leraren die radicale activisten uitnodigen op school.

Die ‘memorie van toelichting’ (‘Justification‘) omvat slechts circa 800 woorden. Inhoudelijk meest verhelderend zijn de toelichtingen bij amendementen 1, 2, 6 en 7, waarmee dan ook begonnen wordt. Voor de rest betreft het slechts verwijzingen naar eerder gevoerd debat of zelfs dat niet. Die laatste regels heb ik weggelaten. Ook losse woorden, cijfers en tekens die in de Hongaarse tekst vermoedelijk voor wat meer leesbaarheid zorgden, maar in de vertaling die leesbaarheid juist verminderen, heb ik weggelaten.

1) Schrijver dezes kende slechts een enkel Hongaars woord en dat is bovendien een nogal bedenkelijke term (Összetartozunk). Daarmee lijkt het dus op het eerste gezicht een vrijwel onmogelijke uitdaging, zeker voor wie wel eens Google Translate heeft gebruikt om iets te vertalen naar het Nederlands. Soms herken je waarom een (deel van) zo’n vertaling helemaal de mist ingaat: het is niet zozeer de vertaling vanuit de brontekst naar het Engels, maar de vervolgstap: vertalen van de als tussentaal gebruikte Engels naar het Nederlands. Vertalingen naar het Engels zijn aanzienlijk beter. Gelukkig bestaat er tegenwoordig bovendien een (beter) alternatief voor Google: Deepl. Ook daar is de Engelse versie duidelijk beter dan de Nederlandse. Ik heb gemakshalve maar ook opzettelijk geen moeite gedaan om de DEEPL-vertaling te verbeteren qua zinsbouw e.d..

2) Ik heb getwijfeld of ik het zou doen, maar besloten het toch toe te voegen: een tamelijk gedetailleerde beschrijving van de manier waarop ik persoonlijk ‘kennis heb gemaakt’ met homoseksualiteit. Mijn ervaringen zijn namelijk toevallig nogal leerzaam en zelfs een beetje grappig.

a) Op de middelbare school werd de term ‘homo’ tamelijk vaak gebruikt. Niet in positieve zin. Mij viel op dat de jongens die dat deden iets van twijfel over hun seksualiteit/geaardheid leken te willen overschreeuwen.
b) Twee vervelende gebeurtenissen speelden zich af toen ik 17 was: tijdens mijn stage op een scheepswerf respectievelijk in de straten van Delft, waar ik toen net begonnen was met studeren. Beiden zo onaangenaam dat ik ze me nog kan herinneren, maar ook niet echt traumatisch: ik kende niet de allergeringste twijfel over mijn heteroseksuele geaardheid, maar ik had een weinig macho uitstraling.
c) De volgende twee gebeurtenissen vonden plaats toen ik 18 was. Mijn intelligentie en dwarse gedrag bij de militaire keuring vielen op en ik kreeg een gesprek met een arts. Deze vroeg o.a. of ik soms homo was. Ik zei nee, maar ik werd niet boos over die vraag. Ik werd afgekeurd op vage gronden. Vele jaren later ontdekte ik pas dat ik vanwege dat niet boos reageren op die vraag, ‘officieel vaag‘ geregistreerd was als homo en daarom was afgekeurd. Een vriendelijke oudere student van Chinese afkomst, zocht vriendschap met mij. Het duurde enige tijd voordat hij duidelijk maakte dat hij homo was en seksueel in mij geïnteresseerd was. Een vooral pijnlijke ervaring voor ons beiden.
d) Via mijn toenmalige echtgenote vroeg een lesbisch stel met kinderwens mij of ik zaaddonor wilde spelen. Ik bedankte beleefd. Niet lang daarna kregen ze een tweeling. Ik was toen zelf al twee keer vader en ben inmiddels vijf keer opa.
e) Tientallen jaren later, in deze eeuw, had ik twee keer een serieus gesprek met een homoseksuele kennis: beiden intelligente en rationeel ingestelde mannen, geen van beide van het type ‘slappe pols’/’televisieberoemdheid’. Een gesprek over de herkomst van homoseksualiteit. Tot mijn verbazing vertelden ze mij allebei dat homoseksualiteit volgens hen deels maar niet volledig genetisch bepaald is.

3) Alle vet in de vertaalde tekst is door mij toegevoegd.

Justification (Indokolás)

1-2., 6-7. The State has a duty under the Fundamental Law to establish rules establishing a legislative environment and a system of institutions which guarantee the protection necessary for the physical, mental and moral development of children and the preservation and protection of their identity, which is immutable from birth. In order to do this, the legislator must go beyond the general rules laid down in the Fundamental Law and establish practical, tangible rules to protect these values. It is clear that certain content should be taught to children at an age appropriate to their age, in order to promote their healthy spiritual and intellectual development. Some content may be misunderstood by children below a certain age, or may be harmful to their development at that age, or simply beyond their capacity to deal with, and therefore [No, nothing is missing here!, FG]
Number of amendments: 23
…from [address data ] address data according to …
… confuses the developing moral and ethical values or even the developing view of oneself and the world.
The amendment therefore defines, in the spirit of the Fundamental Law and in order to safeguard the healthy physical and mental development of children, the content of which children must be prevented from encountering in the various media and advertising.
To this end, the proposal amends Act XLVIII of 2008 on the Basic Conditions and Certain Restrictions on Commercial Advertising Activities, which prohibits the making available to children under the age of eighteen of advertising that depicts sexuality for its own sake, or that promotes or displays a difference in identity from the sex of birth, gender reassignment or homosexuality. The amendment to the Mttv. ensures that a programme which has as its main element the promotion, presentation or representation of sexuality for its own purpose, or the promotion, presentation or representation of sexuality for its own purpose, shall be classified in category V. As a consequence of the proposal, advertising should also be classified in category V of the Act. And the Media Council will be obliged to request effective action by the Member State having jurisdiction over the foreign media service provider that has infringed the relevant rules.

The content of the above points is interlinked

3. See the explanatory memorandum to the Commission’s amendment closing the in-depth debate T/16365/10/1.
4. Following a comment from the National Office for the Judiciary, the bill is amended to extend the scope of data that can be retrieved from criminal records to include the time of the offence.
5. The proposal addresses the comment of the National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information by first displaying only the photograph of the persons concerned and the name of the municipality of residence of the persons concerned in the case of multiple hits, rather than all the data in the register. The amendment aims to comply with the purpose limitation requirement.
8 & 11 The proposal introduces rules on the holding of school sessions, including sex education sessions, by organisations of questionable professional credibility and in many cases of a specific sexual orientation. In these sessions, representatives of certain organisations seek to influence children’s sexual development through what they call a sensitisation programme in the context of anti-discrimination education, which may cause serious damage to children’s physical, mental and moral development. The aim of the amendment is to ensure that only persons or organisations listed in an official and constantly updated register are allowed to provide sessions for children. The detailed rules will be published by decree of the Minister for Human Resources. The bill creates liability for offences for both the head of the establishment and the person providing the activities.
The content of the above points is interrelated.
9. The amendment clarifies the interpretation of the existing provisions by specifying the rules on the verification of the employability condition and the reimbursement of the costs of the person seeking to establish an employment relationship and the employee, and, following the observation of the Curia
clarifies the employer’s obligation to terminate the employment relationship with immediate effect in the absence of proof of a ground for exclusion.
10. See the explanatory memorandum to the Commission’s amendment closing the detailed discussion T/16365/10/2.

The Legislative Committee of the National Assembly

Addressee: László Kövér, Speaker of the National Assembly
Submitted by Csaba Hende, President
Title of the bill: on tougher action against paedophile offenders and amending certain laws to protect children
Separate document number: T/16365
Summary proposal for an amendment

The Legislative Committee, pursuant to paragraph 46(5) of the OGY Decision No 10/2014 (II. 24.) on certain provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament, submits the following summary amendment to the Bill No T/16365 on stricter action against paedophile offenders and amending certain laws for the protection of children.
The adoption of points 6 and 7 of the summary amendment requires the ‘yes’ vote of two-thirds of the Members of Parliament present.

Part I Relevant provision of the bill: § 1

Amendment No: 1

Nature of amendment: amendment
1. §
(1) The following Article 3/A shall be added to the subsection [§ 1] of Act XXXI of 1997 on the Protection of Children and the Administration of Guardianship (hereinafter referred to as the “Act on the Protection of Children and the Administration of Guardianship”) [§ 1] (hereinafter referred to as the “Act on the Protection of Children and the Administration of Guardianship”) under the heading “Purpose and Principles of the Act”:
[“(3) In the child protection system, the State shall protect the right of children to self-identity according to their sex at birth.”]
“3/A. §
Document No: T/16365/15. Date of submission: 10-06-2021 16:33
Parlex ID: PKTEYAQA0003

In the child protection system, the State shall protect the right of children to self-identity according to their birth sex.”
(2) The following Article 6/A is added to the Gyvt:
“6/A. §
In order to safeguard the objectives of this Act and children’s rights, it shall be prohibited to make pornographic content or content available to children under the age of eighteen which depicts sexuality for its own sake or promotes or displays deviation from the identity of the sex of birth, gender reassignment or homosexuality.”

Amendment No: 2

Provision of the Bill concerned: Article 3 Nature of the amendment: amendment
3. §
In Article 8 [§ (4) ]of Act XLVIII of 2008 on the Basic Conditions and Certain Restrictions on Economic Advertising Activities, the following paragraph 1a [“and such” is replaced by “and such”] is inserted:
“(1a) It shall be prohibited to make available to persons under eighteen years of age any advertising which depicts sexuality for its own sake or which promotes or displays a deviation from the self-identity of the sex of birth, a change of sex or homosexuality.”

Amendment No: 3.

Relevant provision of the bill: § 4 – Bnytv. § 67 (1) d) Nature of amendment: amendment
4. §
Article 67(1) of Act XLVII of 2009 on the Criminal Records System, on the Register of Convictions of Hungarian Citizens by the Courts of the Member States of the European Union and on the Register of Biometric Data in Criminal and Law Enforcement Matters (hereinafter referred to as the Bnytv.) shall be replaced by the following provision:
“(1) The criminal records body shall, from the criminal records system, as defined in this Act
(d) make available to the person entitled thereto, by electronic means, the registered data of persons who have committed an offence against the freedom of sexual life or sexual morality which is harmful to children, or

Amendment point number: 4.

Provisions of the bill concerned: § 5 – Bnytv. § 75/B (1) Nature of amendment: amendment
5. §
The Bnytv. In Chapter V, the following subchapter entitled “Disclosure of information on persons who have committed an offence against the freedom of sexual life or sexual morals which is offensive to children” is inserted after the subchapter entitled “Official certificate of morality”:
“75/B. §
(1) For the purpose of ensuring the protection of children and preventing crimes against sexual freedom or sexual morality committed against or with the abuse of children, the criminal records body shall, under the conditions specified in paragraphs (2) to (3) and in Section 75/C, make available to persons who come into direct contact with children, through an electronic platform (hereinafter referred to as “the platform”), which may be used by means of identification by means of an electronic identification service provided by the Government on the basis of the Act on the General Rules of Electronic Administration and Confidential Services (hereinafter referred to as “the platform”), the data concerning the person concerned,
a) in accordance with paragraph (2) of Article 4.
aa) a) aa),
ab) data relating to the year of birth, formed from the date of birth data pursuant to point (a)(ad),
ac) the name of the registered municipality from the data on the address in accordance with point a)(ai), and in the case of a metropolitan address, the name of the district,
(ad) the most recent facial image of the person concerned taken from the front, as referred to in point (b),
b) in accordance with Article 11(1)
ba) c) ca) and cb),
bb) c) cd), the time of the commission of the offence,
bb) d), the date on which the decision became final,
(bc) (k)(kc), the date on which the decision of the foreign court became final,
c) the date of the court decision
(ca) (c) (ca) and (cb),
(cb)(c)(c)(cd), the date of the commission of the offence,
of the data referred to in point (cb)(e), the date on which the decision became final,
(cc) (j)(jc), the date on which the foreign court decision became final.”

Amending point No: 5.

Provisions of the bill concerned: § 5 – Bnytv. § 75/C Nature of amendment: amendment
5. §
Article 5(5) of the Bnytv. In Chapter V, the following subchapter entitled “Disclosure of data on persons who have committed an offence against the freedom of sexual life or sexual morality which is offensive to children” is inserted after the subchapter entitled “Official certificate of morality”:
“75/C. §
(1) In the case of multiple hits, the data of all persons concerned as defined in Article 75/B (1) [paragraph ]a) a) ac) and ad) shall be made [accessible]. The additional data specified in Section 75/B (1) may be disclosed only in respect of the data subject identified by the person entitled to know the data subject as the person who has direct contact with the child.
(2) The data made available through the interface shall be treated confidentially by the person entitled to access the data of the data subject and may only be used for the purposes specified in Section 75/B (1) and may only be disclosed to third parties. No copies of the data obtained through the interface, in particular screenshots, extracts or other summaries, may be made, nor may they be disclosed, disseminated, reproduced, registered or included in a database.
(3) The criminal records body shall ensure, as far as possible, through appropriate technical and organisational measures, that the interface
(a) no textual copies of the data which may be accessed pursuant to Section 75/B(1) may be made; and
(b) the data which may be accessed pursuant to Section 75/B(1)(a)(ad) are displayed, in particular by means of watermarking or other data encryption measures which may be considered effective, in such a way that, in the event of use prohibited pursuant to paragraph (2), it is possible to clearly establish that the data originated from the interface.”

Amendment No: 6

Provision of the Bill concerned: Article 9
Nature of the amendment: amendment
9. §
(1) Paragraph (1) of Article 9 of Act CLXXXV of 2010 on Media Services and Mass Communications (hereinafter referred to as “Mttv.”) shall be replaced by the following:
[a) In Article 9(1), the words “, and advertising” shall be replaced by the words “, advertising”,
(b) in Article 32(1), the words “and the” shall be replaced by “and the”,
(c) in Article 168/A(1), the words “and if” shall be replaced by “and if”, (d) in Article 179(2), the words “and” shall be replaced by “and”.]
“(1) A media service provider providing a linear media service shall, with the exception of news programmes, political information programmes, sports programmes, programme trailers and political advertising, teleshopping, advertising for social purposes and public service announcements, classify all programmes it intends to publish in one of the categories referred to in paragraphs (2) to (7) prior to publication.”
(2) Paragraph 9(6) of the Mttv. shall be replaced by the following:
“(6) A programme which is likely to have an adverse effect on the physical, mental or moral development of minors, in particular by having as its dominant element the promotion or representation of violence, gender non-conformity, gender reassignment, homosexuality or the direct, natural or self-serving depiction of sexuality, shall be classified in category V. The rating of such a programme is: not recommended for persons under eighteen years of age.”
(3) The following paragraph 4a is added to Section 32 of the Mttv:
“(4a) A programme which is likely to have an adverse effect on the appropriate physical, mental and moral development of children, in particular by the fact that it contains a predominant element of self-serving depiction of sexuality, pornography, the promotion or presentation of deviation from the identity of the sex of birth, gender reassignment and homosexuality, shall not be considered a communication of public interest or advertising for social purposes.”
(4) Section 168/A(1) of the Mttv. shall be replaced by the following:
“(1) The Media Council shall prepare an annual monitoring plan by 1 December of the year preceding the year under review, taking into account the monitoring experience of the previous year, and publish it on its website within fifteen days. When preparing its annual monitoring plan, the Media Council shall pay particular attention to compliance with the standards for the protection of children and minors. The Media Council shall ensure consistency between the monitoring plans it draws up. The plans may be reviewed at the end of the first half of the year on the basis of the experience gained in the first half of the year and, if necessary, amended by the Media Council. The amended monitoring plan shall be published by the Media Council on its website within fifteen days of its amendment.”
(5) Paragraph 179(2) of the Mttv. shall be replaced by the following:
“(2) In the event of problems identified in connection with paragraph (1) and in the event of violations of the relevant provisions of this Act and the Smtv, the Media Council shall request effective action by the Member State under whose jurisdiction the media service provider referred to in paragraph (1) falls. In this context, the Media Council shall request the Member State to take the measures indicated by the Media Council to stop infringements.”

Amendment No: 7

Provisions of the Bill concerned: Article 10, new paragraph 3 Nature of the amendment: addition
(3) The following Section 5/A is inserted in the Act:
“5/A. §
For the purposes of this Act and in the interests of the protection of children, it shall be prohibited to make pornographic content available to children under the age of eighteen, as well as content that depicts sexuality for its own sake or promotes or displays deviations from the identity of the sex of birth, gender reassignment or homosexuality.”

Amendment No: 8

Provision of the Bill concerned: Article 11 Nature of the amendment: amendment
11. §
(1) The following paragraph (12) shall be added to Article 9 of Act CXC of 2011 on National Public Education [in paragraph (8) of Article 9, the words “In the case where the institution is the maintainer” shall be replaced by the words “In the case where the institution is the maintainer”] (hereinafter: Nktv.):
“(12) When providing lessons on sexual culture, sexual life, sexual orientation and sexual development for pupils, special attention shall be paid to the provisions of Article XVI (1) of the Fundamental Law. These sessions shall not be aimed at promoting gender non-conformity, gender reassignment or homosexuality.”
(2) The following Section 9/A shall be added to Chapter 7 of the Nctv: “Section 9/A
(1) A person or organisation other than an employee of an educational institution employed as a teacher and a professional providing school health services in the institution and a state body having a cooperation agreement with the institution shall provide, in the context of lessons or other activities for pupils, activities relating to sexual culture, sex life, sexual orientation, sexual development, the harmful effects of drug use, the dangers of the Internet and other physical and mental health promotion (hereinafter referred to in this Section as: programme) may be held only if a body designated by law registered by a regulatory authority.
(2) The data contained in the register under subsection (1) shall be public data in the public interest and shall be published on the website of the body designated by law to maintain the register under subsection (1).
(3) A register under subsection (1) shall contain (a) the title of the scheme,
(b) the holder of the programme
(ba) in the case of a natural person, the name, contact details or
bb) in the case of an organisation, the name, registered office and contact details of the organisation,
(c) an indication of the type of public education establishment in which the programme is to be implemented,
(d) the date of registration and the duration of the registered programme’s use in a public education establishment (indicating the school year); and
(e) the subject of the programme
the subject of the programme
(4) The body designated by law to keep the register referred to in paragraph (1) shall keep the data contained in the register referred to in paragraph (1) until the date of its removal from the register.”
(3) The following subsection (8) is added to Section 79 of the Nktv:
“(8) If the authority responsible for public education reveals in the course of an official inspection that the educational institution has violated Section 9/A(1), it shall initiate infringement proceedings against the head of the institution and the person or member of the organisation carrying out the activities referred to in Section 9/A(1) who is not included in the register specified therein.”
(4) The following point (j) shall be added to Section 94(1) of the Nktv.)
“(j) designate the body entitled to keep the register pursuant to Section 9/A(1) by decree, as well as the detailed conditions for registration, the detailed rules for keeping and publishing the register,”
(by decree.)

Amendment No: 9

Provision of the Bill concerned: Article 12 Nature of the amendment: amendment
12. §
(1) Article 44/A (1) of Act I of 2012 on the Labour Code (hereinafter referred to as “Labour Code Act”)
paragraph 1 is replaced by the following:
“(1) An employer who provides the education, supervision, care, treatment or medical care of a person under the age of eighteen years or who provides leisure, recreational or sporting services to a person under the age of eighteen years may not establish an employment relationship with a person who
a) is registered as a criminal offender
(aa) homicide [Article 166(2)(i) of Act IV of 1978 on the Criminal Code (hereinafter referred to as Act IV of 1978)], assisting in suicide [Article 168(2) of Act IV of 1978], violation of personal liberty [Article 168(2) of Act IV of 1978], violation of personal freedom etc etc [Article 166(2) of Act IV of 1978], and violation of the right to life and limb [Article 166(2) of Act IV of 1978], in force until 30 June 2013. IV of 1978 Act No. 175(3)(e)], trafficking in human beings [IV of 1978 Act No. 175/B(2)(a) and (5)], alteration of family status [IV of 1978 Act No. 193(2)(b)], endangering a minor [IV of 1978 Act No. 195. IV Act of 1978, Section 204), facilitation of commercial lewdness (IV Act of 1978, Section 205(3)(a)), abuse of drugs (IV Act of 1978, Section 282/B(1), (2)(a) and (c), 282/B(5) and (7)(a)),
ab) unlawful recruitment [Article 146(3) of Act C of 2012 on the Criminal Code (hereinafter: Criminal Code)], homicide [Article 160(2)(i) of the Criminal Code], assisting in suicide [Article 162(2)(i) of the Criminal Code], and unlawful interference with the administration of justice [Article 162(2)(i) of the Criminal Code]. § 162 (2)], unlawful use of human body [§ 175 (3) a) of the Criminal Code], drug trafficking [§ 177 (1) a) and b) of the Criminal Code], possession of drugs [§ 179 (1) a) and (2) of the Criminal Code], pathological addiction (§ 179 (1) a) and (2) of the Criminal Code), possession of drugs [§ 177 (1) a) and (2) of the Criminal Code], and the use of drugs in the course of a criminal act [§ 175 (3) a) of the Criminal Code]. Section 181), abuse of performance-enhancing substances (Sections 185(3) and (5) of the Criminal Code), kidnapping (Sections 190(2)(a) and (3)(a) of the Criminal Code), trafficking in human beings and forced labour (Section 192. § 192 (5) (a) and (6) (a)], forced labour [until the entry into force of Act V of 2020 amending certain acts necessary to combat the exploitation of victims of trafficking in human beings, in force until the entry into force of Act V of 2020 amending certain acts necessary to combat the exploitation of victims of trafficking in human beings, in force until the entry into force of Act V of 2020, the Criminal Code No. 197, paragraphs (2), (3)(a) and (4)], sexual abuse [Penal Code, § 198], fencing [Penal Code, § 200, paragraphs (2) and (4)(a)], facilitation of prostitution [Penal Code, § 200, paragraphs (2) and (4)(a)], sexual abuse [Penal Code, § 198], sexual abuse [Penal Code, § 200, paragraphs (2) and (4)(a)], and facilitation of prostitution [Penal Code, § 200, paragraphs (2) and (4)(a)]. Section 201 (1) (c) and (2)], exploitation of child prostitution (Section 203 of the Criminal Code), child pornography (Sections 204 to 204/A of the Criminal Code), indecency [Section 205 (2) of the Criminal Code], endangering a minor (Section 208 of the Criminal Code), child labour (Section 209 of the Criminal Code), violation of family status [Section 213 (2) (b) of the Criminal Code],

b) is subject to criminal proceedings for the offence specified in point (a),
c) the offence is punishable under the Criminal Code. is under a disqualification from engaging in an occupation pursuant to Section 52(3) of the Criminal Code, or
d) is under compulsory medical treatment for the offences specified in point a) stands for.”
(2) The Mt. Paragraph (3) of Article 44/A shall be replaced by the following:
“(3) The fact that he fulfils the conditions set out in paragraphs (1) to (2) shall be
(a) a person intending to enter into an employment relationship before the employment relationship is established, or
(b) an employee who, during the employment relationship, on written request from the employer, within fifteen working days of the request or, if this period is not possible for reasons beyond the employee’s control, immediately after the reason for the request ceases to exist by means of an official certificate.”
(3) The provisions of Mt. Article 44/A (4) of the Mt. shall be replaced by the following:
“(4) If the person seeking to establish an employment relationship or the employee proves that he or she fulfils the conditions set out in paragraphs (1) to (2), the employer shall reimburse the administrative service fee paid for the procedure for the issue of an official certificate issued by the criminal records body to the person seeking to establish an employment relationship or the employee.”
(4) The provisions of Mt. Article 44/A(5) of the Mt. shall be replaced by the following:
“(5) If the
(a) the employee cannot prove compliance with the conditions laid down in paragraph 1(a) by means of an official certificate issued by a criminal records body, or
(b) the employer otherwise becomes aware of a disqualification,
the employer shall immediately terminate the employment relationship with immediate effect by applying Article 29(1) accordingly.”
(5) The provisions of Mt. Article 44/A (7) of the Mt. shall be replaced by the following:
“(7) The employer shall process the personal data obtained under paragraphs (1) to (3) until the date of the decision to establish the employment relationship or, if the employment relationship is established and continues, until its termination or expiry.”

Amendment No: 10.

Relevant provision of the draft Act: § 12 – Act I of 2012, § 44/A, paragraph 1, point (a) Nature of the amendment: amendment
12. §
Section 44/A(1) of Act I of 2012 on the Labour Code is replaced by the following
“(1) In the case of a person under the age of eighteen years who is educating, supervising, caring for or treating a person under the age of eighteen years or a person under the age of eighteen years, the following shall be granted time off, an employer who provides services related to entertainment and sport may not establish an employment relationship with a person who
a) is registered as a criminal offender
(aa) homicide [Article 166(2)(i) of Act IV of 1978 on the Criminal Code (hereinafter referred to as Act IV of 1978)], assisting in suicide [Article 168(2) of Act IV of 1978], violation of personal liberty [Article 168(2) of Act IV of 1978], and violation of personal freedom [Article 166(2) of Act IV of 1978], in force until 30 June 2013. IV Act of 1978, Section 204), facilitation of commercial lewdness (IV Act of 1978, Section 205(3)(a)), abuse of drugs (IV Act of 1978, Section 282/B(1), (2)(a) and (c), 282/B(5) and (7)(a)),
ab) unlawful recruitment [Article 146(3) of Act C of 2012 on the Criminal Code (hereinafter: Criminal Code)], homicide [Article 160(2)(i) of the Criminal Code], assisting in suicide [Article 162(2)(i) of the Criminal Code], and unlawful interference with the administration of justice [Article 162(2)(i) of the Criminal Code]. § 162 (2)], unlawful use of human body [§ 175 (3) a) of the Criminal Code], drug trafficking [§ 177 (1) a) and b) of the Criminal Code], possession of drugs [§ 179 (1) a) and (2) of the Criminal Code], pathological addiction (§ 179 (1) a) and (2) of the Criminal Code), possession of drugs [§ 177 (1) a) and (2) of the Criminal Code], and the use of drugs in the course of a criminal act [§ 175 (3) a) of the Criminal Code]. Section 181), abuse of performance-enhancing substances (Sections 185(3) and (5) of the Criminal Code), kidnapping (Sections 190(2)(a) and (3)(a) of the Criminal Code), trafficking in human beings and forced labour (Section 192. § 192 (5) (a) and (6) (a)], forced labour [until the entry into force of Act V of 2020 amending certain acts necessary to combat the exploitation of victims of trafficking in human beings, in force until the entry into force of Act V of 2020 amending certain acts necessary to combat the exploitation of victims of trafficking in human beings, in force until the entry into force of Act V of 2020, the Criminal Code No. 197 (2), (3) (a) and (4)), sexual abuse [Penal Code, § 198], fencing [Penal Code, § 200 (2) and (4) (a)], facilitation of prostitution [Penal Code, § 201. § Section 201, in force until 30 June 2020, (1) (c), [and ](2) [paragraph], ](4) (b)], exploitation of child prostitution [Section 203 of the Penal Code], child pornography [Sections 204-204/A of the Penal Code], indecency [Section 204-204/A of the Penal Code], indecency [Section 203 of the Penal Code], and child pornography [Section 204-204/A of the Penal Code]. § 205 (2)], endangering a minor (§ 208 Btk), child labour (§ 209 Btk), violation of family status [§ 213 (2) b) Btk],”

Amendment No: 11.

Provision of the Bill concerned: Article 13 Nature of the amendment: amendment
13. §
(1) The following subsection and Section 176/A shall be added to Act No:
“131/A. Exercise of an occupation during the period of prohibition
176/A. §
176.176. Article 52(3) of the Penal Code, if, during the period of prohibition from engaging in an occupation within the scope of the prohibition, he engages in an occupation which is within the scope of the prohibition in such a way as to mislead or mislead the employer, he commits an offence.”
(2) The following subsection (d) is added to section 248(3) of the Szabs.)
“(d) to conduct or the legality of the conduct of any occupation which may be conducted in a public educational institution
the legality of the education institution,” (an offence.)

Amendment No: 12.

Relevant provision of the bill: § 15 – Penal Code. Article 38 (5) Nature of amendment: amendment
15. §
Article 15 § 38 of the Penal Code. Article 38(5) of the Criminal Code is replaced by the following provision:
“(5) A person shall not be released on parole if
(a) in the case of the commission of an offence as defined in point (e) of paragraph (4)
aa) for preparation,
(ab) as an accomplice, or
(ac) with the application of unlimited mitigation,
(b) sentenced to a term of imprisonment to be served for a violent offence against a person for a term of imprisonment of eight years or more for an offence of violence against a person committed against a relative[, or
(c) for an offence against the freedom of sexual life and sexual morality committed against a person under the age of eighteen years and punishable by a maximum term of imprisonment of eight years or more [sentenced to a custodial sentence to be carried out].
sentenced to imprisonment to be carried out.”

Amendment No: 13.

Provisions of the Bill concerned: Article 18, opening words
Nature of amendment: amendment
18. §
18 18. In Chapter XI of the Criminal Code, the following subsection shall be inserted after [the following subsection and Article 113/A ]Article 113:

Amendment No: 14.

Provisions of the Bill concerned: § 18 – Penal Code. Article 113/A Nature of amendment: amendment
18. §
Article 18/A of the Criminal Code. In Chapter XI of the Penal Code, the following Chapter and Article 113/A are inserted:
“113/A. §
In the case of a juvenile, the application of Section 52(3) [of the Penal Code] may be waived in cases of special merit.”

Amendment No: 15.

Relevant provision of the draft law: § 20 – Penal Code § 204 (2) (d) Nature of the amendment: amendment
20. §
Article 20(2)(b) of the Criminal Code. “Child pornography” is replaced by the following
“(2) The punishment shall be imprisonment for a term of two to eight years in the case of paragraph (1)(a), five to ten years in the case of paragraph (1)(b), five to fifteen years in the case of paragraph (1)(c), if the offence specified therein
(d) [restraint of the person in the recording ]restraint or use of force or is committed.”

Amendment No: 16.

Provisions of the Bill concerned: Section 20 – Section 204/A(2)(d) of the Criminal Code Nature of the amendment: amendment
20. §
Article 204/A, paragraph 204/A of the Criminal Code. “Child pornography” is replaced by the following
“(2) The punishment shall be imprisonment for a term of imprisonment of five to ten years in the case of paragraph (1)(a) and five to fifteen years in the case of paragraph (1)(b), if the offence specified therein is
(d) [harassment of a person in the programme ]harassment or use of force
[involving the use of a recording,]or a programme.”

Amendment No: 17.

Relevant provision of the draft law: § 20 – Article 204/A (3) of the Criminal Code Nature of the amendment: amendment
20. §
Article 204/A of the Criminal Code. “Child pornography” is replaced by the following provision:
“(3) The punishment shall be imprisonment for a term of imprisonment of five years to fifteen years in the case of subsection (1)(a) and five years to twenty years in the case of subsection (b), if the offence specified therein is committed for a programme [involving] the abuse or use of violence of a person under the age of twelve.”

Amendment No: 18.

Relevant provision of the draft law: Article 20 – Article 204/A(7) of the Criminal Code Nature of the amendment: amendment
20. §
Article 204/A of the Criminal Code. “Child pornography” is replaced by the following provision:
“(7) For the purposes of this Section, a pornographic [programme] is an act or performance which depicts the sexuality of another or others with grossly indecent frankness and which is intended to arouse sexual desire.”

Amendment No: 19.

Relevant provision of the Bill: § 22(1) – Kit. Article 82(3)(b) Nature of the amendment: amendment
22. §
(1) Section 82 (3) paragraph b. of Act CXXV of 2018 on Government Administration (hereinafter referred to as “Kit.”) shall be replaced by the following:
“(3) A civil servant shall not be established, in addition to those specified in paragraphs (1) and (2), who
(b) unlawful recruitment [Section 146(3) of the Criminal Code], homicide [Section 160(2)(i) of the Criminal Code], assisting in suicide [Section 162(2) of the Criminal Code], unlawful use of a human body [Section 175(3)(a) of the Criminal Code], drug trafficking [Section 175(3)(a) of the Criminal Code], trafficking in narcotics [Section 160(2)(i) of the Criminal Code], or the use of a human body for the purpose of the commission of a crime [Section 162(2) of the Criminal Code]. § 185 (3) and (5)], kidnapping [§ 190 (2) a) and (3) a) of the Criminal Code], trafficking in human beings and forced labour [§ 192 (5) a) and (6) a) of the Criminal Code], forced labour [until the entry into force of Act V of 2020 amending certain acts necessary to combat the exploitation of victims of trafficking in human beings, the Criminal Code of 2020 was in force. 197 (2), (3) (a) and (4)), sexual abuse [Penal Code, § 198], fencing [Penal Code, § 200 (2) and (4) (a)], facilitation of prostitution [Penal Code, § 201. § 201 (1) (c), (2) and [(2)] (4) (b)) in force until 30 June 2020], exploitation of child prostitution [§ 203 Btk.], child pornography [§ 204-204/A Btk. § 205 (2)], endangering a minor (§ 208 of the Criminal Code), child labour (§ 209 of the Criminal Code), violation of family status [§ 213 (2) b) of the Criminal Code],”

Amendment No: 20.

Provisions of the Bill concerned: Article 22, new paragraphs 2 and 3 Nature of the amendment: addition
(2) The Kit. Section 84(2) is replaced by the following
“(2) In addition to the provisions of subsection (1), a person who wishes to establish a government service relationship shall also certify that the disqualifying conditions set out in subsections (3) and (4) of section 82 do not apply to him.”
(3) The Kit. Section 84(5)(d) is replaced by the following:
(In justified cases, the employer may require the government official in writing to provide, within fifteen working days of the request, or, if this is not possible within this period for a reason that can be excused, immediately after the reason ceases to exist, official evidence that)
“(d) in addition to the provisions of paragraph (a), he or she is not subject to any of the disqualifying conditions set out in paragraphs (2) to (4) of Article 82.”

Amendment No: 21.

Relevant provision of the draft law: Article 24(2) Nature of the amendment: amendment
(2) Subsections (4)[to (8)] shall come into force on 1 February 2022

Amendment No: 22.

Provision of the Bill concerned: § 25 Nature of the amendment: amendment
25. §
Amendment No. 25 of this Act
(a) subsection [9-a]5 of Article IX(6) and Article 23 of the Fundamental Law, (b) subsection [10-a]6 of Article L(3) of the Fundamental Law
of the Constitution.
[Amendement 23 only concerns a table of content, FG]

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